Our services
Renovation. Interiors. Construction
Whether it's an uninhabitable space or just in need of an update,
we transform it according to your needs, detailing it to reach the best aesthetic and functional solution.
Minimizing surprises and controlling deadlines.
From the first meeting to the end of the construction work.
Our process
Personalized projects with monitoring of all phases from the first meeting to the end of the construction work.

Conversation and sharing of the client's needs, desires and constraints.

Preparation for work. Definition of all materials and details necessary to execute the project.

Presentation of project budget and total cost estimate for your work.

Execution of a map of works and quantities that will serve as a basis for requesting quotes and consequent selection of contractor.

Measurement of the site and beginning of the first studies in 2D and 3D to better visualize the project.

Monitoring of construction work with weekly assistance to guarantee project compliance.

Why hire an architect first and not a contractor directly?Each of them has its specific place in the construction process. The architect is focused on, in a coherent way, materializing the client's needs and desires in a project in order to achieve the best aesthetic and functional solution. The contractor is focused on executing this project in the most objective way possible. It is not part of their duties to help, clarify doubts or concerns that may arise throughout the work, as their focus is on the execution of the work. A project can be a huge source of stress. Having a project with the final choices aggregated and thought out will facilitate the process and can avoid surprises or budget divergences and extensions of construction deadlines.
How long does it take to develop an architectural project?It will depend on the complexity of what is requested in terms of area and objectives but, in general, you can count on 2 to 3 months.
When hiring an architect, will the work be more expensive?The value of the work will always depend on the objectives and choices made by the client for the same: the amount of demolition, heating/cooling solutions, choice of materials, number of carpentry elements, etc. The architect's role is precisely to guide the client in their choices, taking the available budget as a starting point, presenting them with the best existing solutions for the desired purpose. The work carried out by an architect will always add value to your investment and should therefore always be seen as an added value to your work.
When presenting the project cost and estimated construction cost, will I know exactly how much I will spend in total?The construction cost estimate presentation phase is still an initial phase of the process, different from the subsequent construction budget phase by the contractor. In this first phase there is still no project, but only a list of intentions, so there is not yet an exact idea of how much the work could cost, but with some defined lines, it will be possible to present an approximate range of values. We will always work taking into account the available budget and guidance for the following phases will be based on that budget, so, in general, you will never be surprised by very discrepant values.
I don't know any contractors. Do you have trusted teams that you usually work with?Yes, we have a database of contractors with whom we usually work and who will be able to respond to your quote in a tender.
I already have a contractor that I enjoy working with. Can I work with him, but compare prices with other contractors you know?Yes of course. We can launch a tender with the contractor of your choice and/or compare with others we usually work with so you can choose the solution you feel most comfortable with.
How can I ensure that work deadlines are met?There are always imponderables in construction work, but once the project is completely defined, the contractor will be able to guide himself much more safely, ensuring compliance with established deadlines.
How can I ensure that the costs of the work do not exceed the budget given by the contractor?For this to happen, the project must be completely defined so that, during the work, different decisions are not made that could alter the budget initially given by the contractor.